Starting open source projects or making contributions in this terrain comes with a plethora of benefits for project developers and contributors. I will walk you through the following in this article:

  1. What is open source
  2. Why contribute to open source
  3. Starting open source projects
  4. Free guide to learning open source technology 
  5. Conclusion

1. What is open source.

Opensource, according to ‘refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible.
In terms of software development, open-source software is released under a license that grants copyright holders to study, modify, redistribute and use the software and its source code for any given purpose. 

Examples of open-source programs

Popularly used platforms, languages, and programs that are considered open source.

This implies everyone can access and make modifications to the source code of the above programs and tools and create new extensions or solutions without legal implications due to an open-source license agreement.

2. Why contribute to open source

Open-source contributions come with nothing as pay or compensation. Technically though it’s highly rewarding in many ways for contributors as you are about to see in a second.
  • Contributing to open source improves coding skills. As you work your way
    through projects, you are forced to learn new stuff along the way by
    researching, reading articles, and watching videos to grab a concept that was
    pretty new to new. Through intensive research to help contribute to
    these projects end up building on once coding skills indirectly
  • Adhere to design patterns. Working solo brings the temptation of ‘haphazard’ coding to quickly have a functional application. To keep a clear line of communication in open source projects, most followed a design pattern to make it easier for all contributors to add submissions without messing things up. In trying to align with such enforcement, you end up learning design patterns for the first time or improving on them as someone who already walked the path.
  • Job opportunities. In today’s competitive world, securing the trust of hiring managers does not certainly come easy. Being a part of open-source terrain not only speaks volumes of eagerness to help and commitment but the zeal to learn and share with the developer community and software users as well. This is a manifestation that should the opportunity be given, you can research, build, ship, and interact with users without much difficulty, and on that note, a job can easily be secured for contributing to open source. 

3. Starting open source project

Projects failed due to a lack of knowledge in the respective area and proper planning. The same applies to open source technology. Most projects failed to mature into reality due to the fact the developer(s) were having inadequate knowledge about the whole scope. 
In this digital age, you can easily learn everything about open source and start projects right away through online research or directly from Linux Foundation Free Training. Set the preparation on course by:
  • Building welcoming communities
  • Finding the target users of your project
  • Creating a code of conduct
  • Design pattern for contribution
  • Best practices for maintainers and contributors
  • Get the right license

4. Free guide to learning open source technology

In a plethora of resources, finding the best among many becomes a hurdle and can easily lead to confusion which may result in landing on the wrong material. In as much as there are dozens of materials out there, it’s highly encouraged to get the fundamentals from the main source of the said subject before bombarding oneself with different materials.
Given this, Free Training at The Linux Foundation set the path to learning and fully grasping the concept of open source technology in addition to other resources that might be of interest to a developer.

5. Conclusion

Having an understanding of open source and the type of platforms and languages considered as open source is key to every developer and tech-savvy.
The benefit of being a part of this landscape is undisputable as seen above and it’s highly advised to be part of the community and add your quota in software development by contributing and sharing your thought. The reward is unquantifiable for those who have patience and I guess you do otherwise you wouldn’t be a developer.
Looking to start your own projects or contribute to open source, learn everything from Linux Foundation Free Training and transition smoothly into an open-source guru.