30 useful node.js libraries Libraries that can aid NodeJs development Socket.io For real time communication Cors Express middleware for enabling connection Passport Authentication middleware for nodeJs NodemailerNodeJs module for sending emails LodasUtility for solving common programming task CheerioRemoving DOM inconsistencies MulterFor Handling multipart/form-data AxiosPromise based http client for the browser and nodejs MorganHTTP request logger middleware for nodejs MomentManupulating/validating date/time GulpAutomate and run task with ease AsyncModule which allows you to work with async javascript http-errorsCreating and handling errors with ease DotenvLoading environment variables from a .env file into process.env FakerGenerating fake data in the browser and nodejs AtlasLibrary to reduce boilerplate and provide clean project structure TowerSmall components for manupulating data and building apps CylonFramework for robotics, IOT and physical computing SequelizePromise based Nodejs ORM for MySql, Postgres, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL server ValidatorLibrary for string validation and sanitizers JsdocAPI documentaion using JavaScript ImpressPrivate cloud application server HelmetSecure express apps by setting variouse http headers MongooseMongoDB object modeling tool WintersmithFor generating static sites CryptoJavaScript library of crypto standards ewdgatewaynodejs based EWD gatewaye for GT.M and cache ChalkTerminal string styling RendrRender backbone.js apps on the client and server Jest Testing framework for JavaScript